Pricing for Services

Still have questions? See Frequently Asked Questions.
Want to ask me something personally? Send me an email.
I offer this service for a fee in Omaha, Council Bluffs or Bellevue. (Additional fee for multiples)
For mamas who live outside the Omaha metro area and are delivering in Omaha, Council Bluffs or Bellevue, the service is a fee (includes express overnight shipping).
If you live/birth outside the Omaha metro area and want me to encapsulate - you can arrange to have a friend/relative bring the placenta to me and I'll mail it back express overnight when it's done.
There is a non-refundable deposit of $50 required at time of sign up, deducted from the total, to hold your spot and my availability. It is required at time of signing up. The remainder is due at time of placenta pickup. Military Discount available.
If you have questions, check the Frequently Asked Questions. If your question is not answered there, please contact me.
I look forward to helping you on your postpartum journey!
Please click "Buy Now", below to pay the deposit. You'll be directed back to this page for Step 2 below.
2. Next, click the Sign Up Form button, making sure to click the "Submit" at the bottom.
Thank you! I'm looking forward to serving you!
If you have any special instructions for finding your home, your home doesn't come up on Google maps correctly, or you live in an apartment complex - please please give details instructions on how to get there. Thanks!!